is it selfish to put yourself first in a relationship:official tips 5

is it selfish to put yourself first in a relationship

Putting yourself first in a relationship is not selfish, we can give ourselves priority without hurting anyone’s feelings. Being selfish sometimes is a good thing. What things should be taken into account? I am going to tell you in today’s article-is it selfish to put yourself first in a relationship? Read the complete article and share it with your family. Always remember one thing, if you are focused only on your interest then it is selfish. It is not selfish to think about one’s own body, and emotions, and boost morale without hurting the feelings of others.

What does selfish mean?

Being selfish means only focusing on your interests. Thinking about others’ feelings or needs. A selfish person often causes harm to others, sometimes doing it to others for their benefit. The word selfish is often used with a negative connotation. But being selfish may not be negative in some cases like thinking about your health or safety.

Is it necessary to be selfish in relationships?

It is not necessary to be selfish in relationships, being selfish can sometimes be harmful for relationships. In a healthy relationship, both partners need to understand and respect each other’s needs and desires and understand each other’s feelings. Being selfish in a relationship may be necessary when:

  • If you are stuck in a relationship that is causing you physical and mental harm, you may become selfish and withdraw from the relationship.
  • You want to keep your partner happy, if it is difficult to make your partner happy without being selfish, then in such a situation you can become selfish.
  • When you’re stuck in a relationship for your career, you can be selfish for your growth.

Is it okay to put a relationship on hold to pursue your dreams?

Yes, it is very important for both of them to be happy and satisfied in the relationship. If you are serious about your career and want to move ahead in your career, then you will try your best to move ahead, in such a situation you can choose your career by mutual agreement. If your partner supports your ambitions and supports you, you will progress in your career. Both can benefit from this.

If putting ourselves first in a relationship makes our partner feel insecure, should we change our priorities?

If your self-respect is not harmed then you can reconsider. You have the right to have your wants and needs met. If your partner is feeling insecure about putting themselves first in the relationship, have an open conversation with them. Explain to them that you love them and want to be with them. Both of you can bring happiness to your relationship by compromising.

is it selfish to put yourself first in a relationship: Ways to stand up for yourself?

The following are ways to stand up for yourself:

  1. Wants and Needs Recognize what you want in life. You can determine this yourself.
  2. Recognize your mental and physical limitations, and recognize to what extent you can tolerate them.
  3. Decide for yourself what you want in a relationship.
  4. Communicate better with your partner to make him/her realize what you want. Explain to them what your needs are.
is it selfish to put yourself first in a relationship


Being selfish in a relationship is a complicated topic. It is not selfish if you make decisions for your well-being without hurting your partner’s self-esteem. If you take advantage of others for your benefit, it is selfishness. Sometimes you have to make selfish decisions to increase your mental and physical strength.

For example, to move forward in our careers, we need to think about ourselves. One should keep oneself above in relationships. We can protect our self-respect ourselves. If you are successful in understanding this with your partner, then you will never have to struggle in life.

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